Sunday, June 14, 2009

Kevin and the Culture of Procrastination

Initiative: I hear they're on sale this weekend, but I decided that I'll go buy some later.

Okay, I'll admit it: I'm not exactly a self-starter.
I mean, I do get things done eventually and I start on some things, but when it really comes down to it, I'm a procrastinator to my core. It's kind of disgusting to me, actually, how I have to be told to do simple things like showering and brushing my teeth,
Of course, while I'm lazing around NOT doing whatever I need to do, I'm thinking about doing about five minutes. It's not until someone yells at me that I actually get up and do it. Even now, when I have a huge final staring me in the face that my GRADE depends on and here I am clicking away at the computer, musing about this. HOW STUPID CAN I GET?!
Despite the fact that I am perfectly aware of this phenomenon, I still get a bit irked when people tell me that I have no initiative. hate hearing the same thing over and over again, so I kind of go off (the other times I hear it besides the one time my teacher or peer tells me is in my head. Stupid conscience).
Ah, well. Fuck procrastination, I'm off to work.

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