Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Catch Me

Its tomorrow.
They announce the winner tomorrow.
The winner of the Herbblock Foundation Contest will be announced tomorrow, and I'm more scared for this than anything in my life.
This contest is the chance for me to prove to my dad that I can survive in the cartoonist world, though even now I'm having second thoughts.
Nothing is clear.
This contest will make it or break it for me. This contest will decide what I will do with my career, with my life, with ME.
I'M TERRIFIED. I don't know what's going to happen if I don't win.
I can't stop tearing.
I'm falling into fear.
Catch me.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


So, the first issue of the Scroll came out Friday.

It was pretty tight for a first issue, I think. Minimal mistakes compared to last year, and we made good time in finishing. This year is looking pr-etty good.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Return to the Land of the (Semi) Living

I'm baaaaaaaack.
Well, in the last two (busy) weeks of summer, I was surprisingly unproductive. Big surprise there, right?
BUT, in good news, I have begun something amazing and new to me: storyboarding!

Okay, it's really difficult when you get stuck. Like, I'm stuck. And it kind of sucks. I don't know where to go from this point, but I'm sure SOMETHING will turn up.
I'm really trying hard to push all of the negative thoughts out of my head, like "Your perspective sucks, retard" or "Maybe I should start on something else..." or my personal favorite "Hahahahaha BLEH."
And these are all comments from myself, it that gives you an idea of how pathetic I am. HAPPY THOUGHTS! Comments such as "I like this" are far more encouraging.
Anyways, in case you were wondering, I'm starting a project that, I admit, was thought of a bit spontaneously. But it does have characters I have been wanting to use for awhile, so I guess it's not too spontaneous. Anyways, the story's still a bit twisty, there are still BIG gaps, but I'm pretty sure I know where I want to go with this.
BTW, it involves superpowers. Fanboy yay.
Also, school started today, yay. I like all of my teachers this year. But then again, I shouldn't judge (too much) on first impressions alone. More blogging to come tomorrow. I PROMISE.

