Sunday, October 25, 2009


College apps need to be done soon. I have not started. Workworkworkworkwork.

Friday, October 9, 2009


After a full summer of nonstop prep and such and such, the SAT is finally here.
Of course there's a lot of pressure: colleges see this, my parents paid over $2000 to raise my score, I took the whole summer to raise my score (dammit) and my parents DID pay a whole lot of money to raise my score.
But surprisingly, I'm not nervous. In fact, I'm PUMPED.
Is this cocky? I think so. But it's helping. Listening to the song "It's Me Life/ Confessions Part II" is really getting me going at the moment.
However, I still can't shake how muy importante this test-o is. I know I have to do well to show colleges that my grades aren't completely displaying my intelligence (apparently, though, I'm already scoring above my GPA. Go figure). Even though I'm once again in the pool of children who don't know what to do with their lives anymore, this score can get me into a good school and such.
Apparently, I care more than I let on. But I'm still pumped.
And to those reading this who are completely nervous for tomorrow: don't worry. You're smarter than you think. Stay calm, awake, aware and you'll do well. Don't, for one moment, say you can't do it. YOU CAN.
"Don't bend/ don't break/ baby don't back down."

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Not knowing is worse.

No results. Sigh. I don't think I won anyways. But not knowing is definitely worse.
I'm listening to the (500) Days of Summer Soundtrack to cheer up. Goooood stuff. Ya'll should pick it up. Lots of alt-rock dance tracks and some sad British pop music. Also Regina Spektor. Love her.

Also Community. Funfunfun. Joel McHale is hilarious.

Hope for more blogging soon. This was uplifting. I should talk more about things I actually like.
Like pineapple.