Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Life:A new one begins now.
As much as I try to, I can find not one true definition for life.
I do know that it begins and ends abruptly, that it is unpredictable, and that it has been emulated into a cheaply entertaining board game.
But as much as we try and grasp life, to try and figure out a shape it takes or a pattern it follows, it only manages to wind up more and throw us off in ways not possible to predict.
But life is not one unpredictable course; we can live many lives in our one lifetime. Each of these lives can last for any amount of time, but I think that they are all guided by a single principle established before each has begun.
Each life, ruled by a single concept, by an idea, by an inspiration, by a passion, has the potential to last the rest of your lifetime, but only those true passions and principles will last true and strong until the end.
Today, guided by the single need to write, I begin a life.
I don't know where this life will take me, how long it will last, or if I will even update it consistently; one thing, however, is certain, and that is that this life will attempt to make sense of it all.
For today, I begin anew.

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